Fall in Love Again

janny’s heart
2 min readOct 5, 2020
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Fall in love with yourself again, she said
What exactly does that mean
Again? I have snippets
Of memories here and there

The one I feel the most is
When I can be myself again
I don’t have to run around
Looking in a random lost and found

What brings me the greatest joy
Is the unbridled joy of a child that’s laughing
No matter what age no matter what reason
That heart felt belly laugh comes with any season

It brings me the sweet taste of happiness
I hold on to it for dear life
A friend’s kind and loving words
Spurring me on through this strife

I know it’s deep inside me
Sometimes the reins slip away
It’s hard to stay lost in memories
On any given day

I’m strong , I’m resilient
I bounce back up real fast
Scare away those damn demons
Bury them deep in the grass



janny’s heart

Learning to be a strong and prolific writer! Editor - ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-MIRROR and SYNERGY. Feels like home!