Member-only story
How to Survive Fireworks Going Off In Your Loved One’s Brain — in 3 Equal Parts
Part 1 — My Story
He’s alive. That’s all the doctor could say when he walked into the Intensive Care waiting room. It was 2:00 am. I had gotten there at about 6:30 pm. Sure, he was 62 years old. But, this?
I kept saying to myself he quit drinking over 30 years ago. He quit smoking 10 years ago. Truth be told, he still had a puff now and again. But he was healthy, wasn’t he? He was a great cook, ate healthy, exercised, worked outdoors a lot. He looked great, if I do say so myself.
How could this have possibly happened? Hadn’t he been through enough. After all, his wife had committed suicide just seven months before. Enough, I said! E-nough!
They say God never gives you more than you can handle. I think, while I always scoffed at this, it was an ongoing mantra in my head. What choice did you have after all? That’s kinda how I lived my life. Don’t panic at the onset!
Take care of business! Then fall apart later! My way of life. The only problem with that is that the longer you shove it down, the harder it is to bring it up!
And perhaps, you have fireworks going off in your brain and don’t even know it.